Tools to communicate Next Generation Learning Standards


These resources are intended to serve as informational tools to communicate the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards in ELA and math to your teachers and other members of your school communities.

SAANYS was directly involved in creating these materials. Dr. Regina Huffman, incoming SAANYS president and director of professional development Karen Bronson served on the NYSED Professional Learning Team over the past year. They also served on two subcommittees. The goal of one of those subcommittees was to create resources that would make it easy for you to share the basics of the Next Generation Learning Standards in a way that was clear and consistent with your colleagues in schools around the state. The results, now in their final NYSED approved form, are as follows:

All BOCES district superintendents received the materials recently from NYSED and are expected to disseminate them to superintendents who will then give to their school and district leaders, so you may have already received them.

SAANYS is proud of the important work we do to support you and your professional learning at all levels. We are gratified that our involvement and expertise are regularly tapped to partner in important conversations and actions that impact your complex work as school leaders.