Sponsorship Opportunities
Associate Your Brand With the Leading Organization for School Administrators

Our sponsors not only help support our mission, they also gain increased visibility with a valuable and influential audience. SAANYS is the largest school administrators organization in New York State, representing over 22,000 school administrators from Long Island to Buffalo including New York City administrators. These administrators represent nearly 500 school districts with a combined student body of nearly 1,000,000. Download the 2025 corporate sponsorship prospectus here.
SAANYS Titles Include:
- Principal
- Assistant Principal
- Department Director / Chair
- Curriculum Director
- Technology Coordinator
- Director of Transportation
- Health Services Director
- Director of Special Education
- Director of Guidance
- Coordinator of School Libraries
- School Psychologist
Advertising Rates
News & Notes e-newsletter
Two, horizontal ads, full color……………$1,800.
Print Advertising Rates
Vanguard/Practices Magazine
(Published Winter/Spring/Fall)
Full Page, Full Color…………………..$2,500.
Half Page, Full Color………………….$1,900.
11″ x 17″ Inside cover………………..$4,500.
Full Color, Fold-out
For additional information, or to purchase an advertisement, please contact Deborah Taylor, director of corporate services, at (518) 782-0600 or dtaylor@saanys.org.
Click here to see our corporate sponsor list.
- Annual Conference
- Recognition in program & signage
- One tabletop display in the exhibit area
- Regional meeting/professional development event sponsorship (1) including your choice of regional area and event with the opportunity to be introduced and speak for ten minutes
- Sharing of your two-minute video at select times during the conference
- One half-page advertisement in full-color magazine, (7,500 distribution) in two full issues of the SAANYS magazine
- Newsletter
- One color advertisement (7,500 distribution)
- Featured in yearly article
- Regular email to members (1 per year)
- Link on sponsors’ page of website for one year
- Resources from Sponsors newsletter ad
- One-year business membership – receive all publications
- Annual Conference
- Priority consideration to present a workshop (premium placement)
- Recognition in program & signage
- Preferential booth location
- Participation in a focus group breakfast with SAANYS Board members
- Ad and event listing in electronic newsletter to membership
- Regular e-mail to members (2 per year)
- Direct mail opportunity to members (1 per year)
- Full-page advertisement in full-color magazine (8,000 distribution) in two issues of SAANYS magazine
- Company logo and write-up in Vanguard “Trade Talk
- Newsletter
- One article from corporation (200 words)
- Two 4” w x 3” color advertisements
- Featured in yearly article on corporate sponsors
- Link on sponsors’ page of website for one year
- Recognition at all SAANYS events (signage)
- One year business membership – receive all publications
- Resources from Sponsors newsletter ad – 2 issues
- Regional meeting/professional development event sponsorship (2) including your choice of regional area and event with the opportunity to be introduced and speak for ten minutes
- Conference booth space (premium placement)
- Participation in a focus group breakfast with SAANYS Board members
- One full page ad in the conference program
- Opportunity to insert company materials in the attendee bags
- Opportunity to submit workshop proposal for consideration
- Sharing of your two-minute video at select times during the conference
- full page ad in three issues of the SAANYS magazine
- Opportunity to submit articles for consideration
- Company logo and write-up in Vanguard “Trade Talk”
- link on the corporate sponsor page for one year
- Your video highlighted on the SAANYS home page for one month
- Webinars hosted on the website
- News & Notes weekly online newsletter advertisements – 4
- Resources from Sponsors newsletter ad – 3 issues
- Regional meeting/professional development sponsorship (2) including your choice of regional area and event with the opportunity to be introduced and speak for ten minutes
- Direct email opportunity to all members – 2
- Social Media sharing
- Opportunity to sponsor SAANYS Statewide awards dinner at additional cost
Custom benefits can include…
- A customized marketing plan; each agreement is unique to the company for which it is developed
- Opportunity to access members at SAANYS regional events. Regional event sponsors receive the opportunity to be introduced and speak for ten minutes on their products/services.
- Company promotional materials offered to SAANYS members by key SAANYS staff at regional presentations and/or meetings.
- Insertion of promotional materials into SAANYS new member packets and into packets for spring membership renewal.
- Opportunity to host a vendor networking reception at the annual conference.
- Opportunity to post a vendor-neutral webinar on the SAANYS website.
- Participation in a focus group marketing discussion with select SAANYS board members.
- Opportunity to host a “lunch and learn” session in a SAANYS region.
- Executive Committee Reception/dinner sponsor.
- NAESP/NASSP state representative dinner sponsor.