GR Updates
Government Relations Updates
February 13, 2025
SAANYS met with the commissioner and senior staff this morning, and urged for definitive guidance from the state on how our members should proceed with gender-related issues in light of the recent federal executive orders that conflict with New York law and practice. Read full article.
February 3, 2025
Commissioner Rosa on Presidential statements and NYS Students. Read full article.
January 30, 2025
SAANYS and CSA testify at the legislative hearing on the executive budget. Read full article.
January 27, 2025
Member survey results on the governor’s proposed cell phone policy. Read full article.
January 21, 2025
Today the governor delivered the required proposed executive budget. This budget reflects the major initiatives that were outlined in the State of the State address last week. Read full article.
January 15, 2025
SAANYS attended the live presentation of the governor’s State of the State address. Overall, the address was an acknowledgement of voter priorities regarding the costs of living, public safety, challenges of families with young children, and access to programs and services. Read full update.
January 14, 2025
The NYS Board of Regents met January 13-14, 2025 with the focus primarily on services for students and adults with disabilities. They also heard presentations on chronic absenteeism and performance-based assessments. Read full update.
January 10, 2025
The end of the 2024 legislative cycle concluded with the governor having to sign or veto those bills passed by the legislature by December 31. Final actions included 679 bills signed into law and 126 bills vetoed. Read full update.
December 10, 2024
The Board of Regents held a meeting on December 10 to discuss budget recommendations and take regulatory actions including items on reading instruction and the regional plans initiative. Read full update.
November 5, 2024
On November 4-5, 2024, the New York State Board of Regents held its monthly meeting, and discussed several key issues of importance to SAANYS members. Major topics included the Graduation Measures Initiative and new regulations for annual performance reviews for educators. Read full update.
October 29, 2024
Governor Hochul recently invited school leaders (SAANYS, NYS School Boards Association, NYS Council of School Superintendents, NYS PTA, NYSUT, and the Conference of Big 5 School Districts) to discuss minimizing cell phone distractions and the adverse impact of cell phones on students while in school. Read full update.
September 23, 2024
We extend our thanks to all members who took the time to respond to our recent APPR Survey. Below is a summary of the results. There were 142 respondents, which represents an excellent level of engagement. However, the sample size is not sufficient to make broad generalizations about all members. Still, the data provides a valuable foundation for discussions with NYSED, the legislature, and during meetings across the state. We greatly appreciate your participation and assure you that this information will be put to good use. Click here to read the full update.
September 18, 2024
News from SAANYS
A couple of weeks ago, we sent out a survey requesting responses to a very short survey regarding the use of cell phones in schools. The results are summarized below. The number of respondents was low (n=34) and we would very much like to increase that number in order to obtain a sufficient sample size to present the information in key meetings on this issue. We will be sending the short survey out again directly to members’ email. Click here to read the full update.
September 12, 2024
News from NYSED
The Board of Regents met on September 9-10, 2024. The agenda included regulatory actions and presentations on key initiatives. Below are highlights of the presentations and regulatory revisions important to our members. Click here to read the full update.
September 6, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We wish you a year filled with outstanding work and productive learning – in other words, the work that we all know that school administrators do every day. This week the governor signed the following bills into law: Ex-officio Student Member on School Boards (S.9018-a/A.9855-a) Effective July 1, 2025, school districts and BOCES must include at least one student member to its board of education in an ex-officio position. The student may be selected by the student body, principal, superintendent, or the board. Click here to read the full update.
August 1, 2024
Foundation Aid Hearing in Buffalo
The final state budget included a required study of the Foundation Aid component of state aid to schools. The Rockefeller Institute was tapped to undertake that task with a timeline of December 2024 to provide the governor and legislature with a report. Towards that end, the Rockefeller Institute has and will be holding public meetings on this issue. A public meeting, at the North Park Community School in Buffalo, N.Y. was held last week on July 25th. Dr. Cynthia Gallagher presented a testimony at the hearing on behalf of SAANYS members. Click here to read the full update.
June 28, 2024
A New Law for Principal and Teacher Evaluations
Fourteen years after the first annual professional performance evaluation law was established in 2010, the governor signed into law a new Section 3012-e of the Education Law. The law provides an eight-year transition period for districts to design a new APPR plan aligned with the new law. Districts may opt to revise their current plans prior to the end of the eight-year period, but by the 2031-32 school year, all districts must transition to the new Section 3012-e. This new evaluation system returns the design of evaluations back to school districts and delinks state assessments from the evaluation of teachers and principals. Click here to read the full update.
June 27, 2024
Governor Receives New APPR Legislation
On June 26, legislation that revises teacher and principal evaluations was sent to the governor for either her signature or veto. She has until July 8 to make this decision. This bill was passed unanimously by the Senate and Assembly. The proposed legislation provides an eight-year transition period for school districts to revise their current APPR plans. Professional evaluations would no longer be linked to state assessments, thereby providing additional flexibility for evaluating professional growth and for the process and methodology to be implemented. Click here to read the full update.
May 10, 2024
News from the New York State Education Department
On May 6-7, the board of regents held its monthly meeting. The key topics of the agenda include a report on the blue ribbon commission, state aid, certification, and a broad range of regulatory actions.
Regulatory Actions
Posthumous Diplomas
This regulatory action went into effect on 5/7 and is scheduled for permanent adoption in September, 2024. The regulatory action allows school districts to award a high school diploma to a student who was enrolled in the school district at the time of death. The parents or persons in parental relationship to the student must make such a request. Click here to read the full update.
May 3, 2024
News From The US Department of Education
On Thursday, May 2, 2024 Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten held an “office hours” meeting/discussion on past FAFSA. The meeting reviewed challenges and “fixes” that the USDE has made to the FAFSA process. The deputy secretary was very interested in hearing from the participant ways that they were actively supporting seniors regarding FAFSA completion. We were fortunate to have Mr. Craig Chandler, high school principal from the Mohonasen School District, join the deputy secretary in this meeting. Key points made during the meeting are as follow. Click here to read the full update.
April 22, 2024
News from the Legislature
This past weekend final budget bills were passed by the legislature. While these bills still need to be signed by the Governor, we wanted to provide members with the most current information on what was included in the budget. The following are some of the key components of the education-related items. Click here to read the full update.
April 18, 2024
Revisions to Section 155.17 of the Regulations of the Commissioner, regarding district-wide school safety plans, are being proposed by the Board of Regents based on changes in education, law, and recommendations from the School Safety Task Force. Click here to read the full update.
April 8, 2024
Government Relations Update, Including Funding Opportunities
As we post this government relations update, the legislature has not passed a final budget. SAANYS and our education board colleagues have communicated to the legislature urging their passage as soon as possible. The continued prolongation of the process will have an increasing impact on school districts. We also continue to urge the legislature not to act on the governor’s proposal regarding the use of a ten-year CPI rate and the discontinued use of save harmless. We will update our members on any news of a final budget.
Click here to read the full update.
March 28, 2024
New from US Department of Education
SAANYS was invited along with four other states to meet with Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten to discuss changes to the FAFSA application and the desired goal of increasing the rate of FAFSA completions. Kevin Casey, executive director, Felicia Thomas-Williams of the Brentwood Central School District, and Cindy Gallagher, SAANYS director of government relations met with Deputy Secretary Marten and senior USDE staff on behalf of SAANYS. We are appreciative of the efforts of NASSP to coordinate this meeting.
Click here to the read the full update.
March 20, 2024
As many of you will recall, movement to revise the current APPR system began in earnest last spring. Negotiations came very close to producing legislation that would provide increased district flexibility and delink student state assessment scores from professional evaluations. Those efforts did not come to fruition when the legislative session concluded, however, discussion between key stakeholders continued throughout the summer and fall.
Click here to read the full update.
February 15, 2024
News from NYSED
The Board of Regents held their February meeting this Monday and Tuesday. The meeting focused on the state budget, certification proposals, My Brother’s Keeper and regulatory actions. The following is a summary of regulatory issues and items for discussion.
Regulatory Action
Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
This emergency action presents conforming language to Chapter 422 of the Laws of 2023 which permits schools, BOCES, charter schools, and non-public schools, to provide and maintain epinephrine auto-injectors. It also allows authorized employees to administer the injectors in an emergency situation. Informational materials must be provided to all teachers and such materials must be developed by the Commissioner of Health. Click here to read the full article.
January 26, 2024
Literacy Initiative
At its January 10th kick-off conference, SED began a literacy initiative to enhance teacher knowledge and skills in the science of reading. The SED website provides literacy briefings and resources on key instructional strategies aligned with reading science.
Public Hearing on Mayoral Control
On January 29th, SED will host a public hearing at the New Dorp High School on mayoral control of the NYC schools. The hearing will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and the public may attend and/or submit written testimony.
Click here to read the full update.
January 16, 2024
Governor Hochul presented an overview of her FY 2025 budget. Overall, the executive budget proposes a total of $233 billion, without cuts or tax increases. This amount represents 4.5 percent growth. The governor outlined the following as her highest priorities:
- Crime – taking on stubborn categories of crime
- Rebuilding the mental health system
- Focusing on children and families
- Improving affordability
- Advancing healthcare initiatives
- Ensuring economic competitiveness
Click here to read the full update.
January 9, 2024
Governor Hochul presented her State of the State address to the Legislature in the Assembly Chamber. The address included nineteen major sections. There were three sections related to education with other educational topics included in other areas of her address. The following provides a summary of the key educational elements addressed in the State of the State. Click here to read the full update.
Key Educational Components of the State of the State:
- Getting Back to the Basics of Reading
- Higher Education
- Mental Health Initiative
Other Initiatives:
- Social Media
- Expanding Swimming Access and Safety
December 21, 2023
2024 Final Exam Regents Schedule
Updated Elementary and Intermediate 2024 Testing Schedules
December 14, 2023
2023 Workforce Survey Results NYS
2022-23 New York State Report Card
December 1, 2023
2022-23 Enrollment Data –NYSED has released the 2022-23 district enrollment data.
Regents Schedules
2023–24 Elementary- and Intermediate-level Testing Schedule
2024 June Regents Exam Schedule
November 13, 2023
The NYS Board of Regents met today with the primary focus of this first day being the Report on the Blue Ribbon Commission’s Recommendations on Graduation Measures. Read in full.
November 9, 2023
November Board of Regents Meeting
- Resources for Ukrainian Parents and Students
- Mid-State Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network
Special Education Youth Advisory Panel Openings
November 3, 2023
Follow-up to Questions Raised at the SAANYS Annual Conference
The SAANYS Annual Conference provided many opportunities to listen to excellent presenters and connect with colleagues from across the state. During the government relations presentation, several questions were raised and we thought that clarifying those questions would benefit all members.
The question raised was “Do all mandated reporters need to complete the updated training?” Yes, according to the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), all mandated reporters must complete the updated training that was effective 11/1/22. The training must be completed by 4/1/25.
The question raised was whether the waiver was extended and if it is likely to be suspended again through 2025? The cap of $35,000 for retiree earnings was extended until June 30, 2024. As this cap has only been waived on a year-by-year basis, it is likely that staffing shortages in schools will play a large part in decisions to continue its use or not. We will have a better understanding of this issue as state budget negotiations unfold. SAANYS will continue to advocate for its continued extension.
Funding Opportunities
School Mental Health and Violence Interruption Grants Workshop
Senator Gillibrand is hosting a statewide briefing on federal and state mental health and school safety grant funding. Representatives from the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Justice, and NYS Departments of Education and Health will speak on resources and support to schools for student mental health initiatives. CSA President Henry Rubio will be introducing the senator.
Gun Violence Prevention through Community -led Youth -based Programs
This program is to support community-based organizations to create safe spaces for youth in areas with high rates of gun violence. The spaces are intended for youth ages 12-24 years of age so that they may engage in a wide range of supports, including therapeutic assistance. $2,500,000 has been allocated for these two-year programs.
NYS Smart Scholars Early College High School Program
A request for proposals has been issued by NYSED for public schools, BOCES, and eligible higher education institutions to create partnerships to increase high school graduation rates and college completion.
Laws Signed By the Governor
Corporal Punishment in Schools
The governor signed a bill banning the use of corporal punishment in schools. The law prohibits “teachers, administrators, officers, employees, or agents of a school from using the practices.” The commissioner is required to promulgate rules and regulations to implement this law.
Funding for Regional School Food Infrastructure Grants
$10 million has been allocated to support school projects to improve meal preparation and distribution for K-12 students. Resources will be provided to allow schools to improve the process and preparation of farm products to make it possible to cook fresh, scratch-made meals for students. Due on 1/24/24.
September 27, 2023
Commissioner Ruling on Biometric Identifying Technology in Schools
Today the Commissioner released a determination on the use of facial recognition technology and biometric identifying technology in schools. Read in full.
August 8, 2023
- Deadline for Recover from COVID Grants – The deadline for the electronic application submission is extended to September 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm. If a district has already submitted their application, they may revised and resubmit. Contact for further assistance.
- Use of Biometric Identifying Technology in Schools – In 2021, the legislature placed a moratorium on the purchase or use of biometric identification technology (BITS) until the commissioner of education authorized such purchase and further, the commissioner was directed to issue a report on the use of BITS in educational settings.
- NYSED Statement on Supports to School Districts Regarding Asylum-Seekers – “Today, State Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa and Department staff met with leaders from Governor Kathy Hochul’s Office and the New York City Department of Education to discuss supports for schools and school districts statewide related to the arrival of large numbers of asylum seeker and migrant students.
August 3, 2023
- Governor Hochul announced a historic amount of funding for youth mental health services.
- Federal Appropriations for FY24 – The House and Senate have both proposed funding bills for education.
May 4, 2023
Senate Hearing: S.1040 – the Solutions, Not Suspensions proposed bill
On May 3, 2023, the Senate held its first of two hearings on S.1040 – the Solutions, Not Suspensions proposed bill. The proposed bill would have a significant impact on building administrators’ use of suspensions. SAANYS has been working with many stakeholders on this bill for several years.
The areas of the legislation most problematic for SAANYS members are:
- prohibition of the use of suspensions in grades Pre-K-3,
- the use of a suspension cap of no more than 20 days,
- prohibition of suspensions for acts of willful disobedience,
- requirement of districts to use a wide range of interventions or programs available prior to suspending a student, without requiring the participation of the student, or consent from the parent/legal guardian,
- lack of funding to meet the requirements of the proposed bill.
Our opposition to these components of the legislation is based on valuable information from our members and our government relations committee. If you recall, SAANYS sent a survey out to all members in December 2022 on this topic. Over 66 percent of the respondents opposed prohibition of suspensions in Pre-K-grade 3, 70 percent opposed a 20-day cap on the days for suspension, and 70 percent opposed prohibition suspension for willful disobedience.
SAANYS is indebted to the presentation of testimony by two of our members: Dr. Gloria Jackson, elementary principal, Brentwood School District and W. Charles Brandy, director of social studies, Buffalo City School District. Their presentations were outstanding and provided the Senate with an excellent perspective on how and when suspensions are used. They pointed out that the first goal is always to keep students in school, they discussed the types of strategies used prior to a suspension being issued, and what specific incidences required the use of suspensions. Dr. Jackson and Mr. Brandy were asked many questions from the senators and again provided compelling information on this topic. Many thanks to Dr. Jackson and Mr. Brandy for their dedicated work on this testimony and their professionalism on this complex issue.
Along with Dr. Jackson and Mr. Brandy’s presentations, SAANYS submitted written testimony on suspensions, which can be found here.
The link to the entire hearing may be found at:
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the SAANYS testimony or general comments on this topic, please feel free to contact Cindy Gallagher at or by calling 518 782-0600.
April 19, 2023
April Board of Regents Meeting
- Regulations Related to the Initial Provisional Renewal, and Time Extension Requirements – NYSED is recommending that changes be made to both provisional and professional certification due to the inability of building administrators and other classification areas to complete requirements in the expected time frames.
- Regulations Prohibiting Corporal Punishment – The Board of Regents determined that is was necessary to reexamine existing regulations that protected student safety regarding corporal punishment and isolation interventions.
- Prohibition of the Use of Indigenous Mascots – The Board unanimously voted to prohibit the use of indigenous names, mascots, and imagery in all public schools. School districts will be required to adhere to this decision by the end of the 2024-25 school year.
- Update on Graduation Measures Blue Ribbon Commission – As the Blue-Ribbon Commission continues its work, recent focus has been to develop a portrait of a graduate of the 21st century.
- New York’s Statewide Assessment Strategy – The Board of Regents undertook an endeavor to examine the values and purposes of New York’s assessment strategy and has been doing that work for over a year.
- Four Year Graduation Rates for the 2018 Cohort of Students – This group of students entered grade 9 in 2018 and are the cohort that experienced three years of the COVID pandemic and had Regents exams suspended in years 2020-22.
April 5, 2023
- Since last week, over 50 more swatting calls have been made. School districts in Central New York, Long Island, the Southern Tier, Northern Region, and Capital District school districts have been impacted. School districts in other states are reporting similar incidents and the FBI is investigating the sources of the prank calls. Some of the perpetrators are thought to be foreign actors. Please see this Statement from Governor Kathy Hochul on Latest School ‘Swatting’ Threats.
April 3, 2023
- The governor is issuing a budget extender until April 10, which will keep state government operating. It is anticipated that the legislature will approve the extender.
- Make it or break it! This spring’s district budget choices matter tremendously for the years ahead. This webinar is conducted by Edunomics Lab which studies education finance out of Georgetown University. This is a 30-minute webinar at 1:00 pm ET on Wednesday April 5 and will focus on key issues facing district budget decisions this spring.
- New Report from MHANYS on Supporting a Peaceful and Calm Educational Space – the Mental Health Association of New York State released a report looking at wellness spaces across schools in NYS. The report provides information from school districts that have implemented safe spaces for students. Various models and implementation strategies are discussed.
April 1, 2023
- School Safety Memo from Commissioner and NYS Police – This past week has seen increased incidents of violence and threats of violence targeted at schools both nationally and in our state.
March 22, 2023
- SAANYS DC Advocacy Day – On March 26-29, 2023, a team of 10 SAANYS members will be headed to Washington, DC to advocate for both federal and state level support and funding important to building leaders across the nation.
- This week in Albany was filled with Education Committee meetings and joint meetings on the one-house bills.
March 15, 2023
March Board of Regents Meeting
- NYSED Technical Advisory Committee and Standard Setting – The Technical Advisory Committee provided a comprehensive presentation on testing and test development.
- Adult Education Programs and Policy Apprenticeship – This report was an update on program and services offered through apprenticeship opportunities in adult education programs.
- Supporting English Language Learners and Multilingual Learners in NYS – This was a comprehensive review of the work of the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages.
- Program Requirements for School Counselor Education Programs – The Board discussed previously introduced regulations pertaining to course work that needs to be included in higher education programs leading to an initial and professional school counselor certificate.
February 14, 2023
February Board of Regents Meeting
- Restarting the Accountability System – The proposed regulations align the USDE approval of the NYSED waiver to adjust the accountability system to a regulatory framework.
- Revisions to Due Process – Proposed revisions to Section 200.5 were discussed for final adoption in June.
- Revised Regulations on a P-20 Pilot for Principal Preparation – In 2019, seven pilots were established between IHEs, school districts (Buffalo CSD, Mount Vernon City School District, New York City Public Schools, Rochester CSD, Schenectady CSD, Syracuse City School District, and Yonkers CSD) and a leadership development partner.
- Revisions to Student Teaching – Proposed revisions for student teaching experiences.
- Supporting Student Wellbeing and Equity: Effective School Discipline Practices from NYS Districts – This was a very comprehensive discussion item that included research presented by Dr. Edward Fergus and respondents from six school districts (Vernon Verona Sherrill SD, Oceanside UFSD, Perry CSD, NYC DOE, Ossining UFSD, and Geneva City Schools).
- Establishing the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies (All Grades) – The Board of Regents proposes to establish a certificate dedicated to teaching indigenous cultures and languages.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workgroup – This presentation provided an update on My Brother’s Keeper and the far-reaching impact of that initiative.
February 13, 2023
- SAANYS Testimony Before the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on the Executive Proposal – On February 8, 2023, SAANYS presented testimony on the governor’s proposed budget. SAANYS presented the testimony with a panel that included NYSUT, UFT, CSA, and SAANYS.
- Webinar for the Affordable Connectivity Program – The FCC, NASSP, NAESP, and Department of Education are hosting a webinar on 2/15/23 on how households can sign up for ACP and find providers.
February 2, 2023
- On February 1, 2023, the governor presented her statutorily required proposed budget.This sets in motion a process in which the two houses of the legislature review the proposed budget, propose changes, and then negotiate a final budget. For SAANYS, this also begins the process of analyzing each budget proposal, presenting testimony on how the proposal will impact building administrators, and meeting with legislators to articulate our concerns and/or support. Click here for a summary of the key components of the governor’s proposed budget as it pertains to education.
- SED PowerPoint on 2018 Cohort and 2018 Cohort Data Posted to NYSED Website – SAANYS was informed today by SED that the 2018 Cohort data was posted to their website and they also sent along a PPT that provides an overview of the information.
January 18, 2023
- Results from SAANYS’ Membership Survey on School Discipline.
January 12, 2023
The Board of Regents held its first meeting of 2023 on January 9-10, 2023.
- Educator Certification for Candidates from Another State or Territory of the US or DC – The proposal allows a candidate from another US state or territory to receive NYS certification by demonstrating “comparable,” instead of equivalent, experiences and education.
- Recommendations for Reducing Disparities in and Reforming Discipline – SAANYS has participated in the NYS School Safety Task Force since its inception. SAANYS sought the advice of the membership throughout the development this report and SAANYS has in turn expressed the strong concerns of members to the Task Force. SED acknowledged that the report did not have the unanimous support of all Task Force members.
- Via this short survey (click here), SAANYS is seeking member input on these recommendations and strongly urges you to take a few minutes to share your opinions. The recommendations made in this report will have longterm impacts on building-level administrators and program directors.
January 10, 2023
- Governor Hochul gave her State of the State address today, highlighting achievements of the past year and identifying high-priority initiatives.
January 5, 2023
- What Are the Skills and Abilities Most Needed by NY State Graduates to be Successful in Their Chosen Post-Secondary Path? – The Board of Regents and SED are seeking the input from administrators on the above question through the ThoughtExchange platform by clicking on the above link. This will allow members to share their responses, see the responses from others and begin to see emerging priorities.
December 14, 2022
- Mr. Tony Cardamone, president of SAANYS and director of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction (Pre-K-6) for the Baldwinsville Central School District, presented testimony to the Assembly Education Committee on the issue of learning loss..
December 13, 2022
- Prohibition of Use of Indigenous Names, Mascots, and Logos – The court upheld the commissioner’s decision banning the use of Indigenous mascots and logos. The regulations introduced at this meeting concretize the decisions and stipulate district obligations.
- Individual Arts Pathway to Graduation – This proposed amendment allows students who successfully complete the Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) to apply that towards a +1 pathway for a diploma.
- Extensions for Coordinators of Work-Based Programs – SED proposes to collapse the Coordinator of Work-Based Learning Programs for Career Awareness and Coordinator of Work-Based Learning Program for Career Development.
- Update on Digital Equity Efforts in P-12 Schools – The presentation provided an overview of how districts were addressing connectivity issues, access to on-on-one devices, and integrating the new computer science and digital fluency standards.
- Regents State Aid Proposal – The Board proposed their state aid request for an additional $3.4 billion to address the critical needs of districts.
December 9, 2022
- NYSDOH and NYSED Joint Letter on Precautions for Winter 2022-23 – Due to the convergence of increasing cases of the flu, and the continued threat of COVID, both NYSDOH and NYSED are urging communities and schools to use common sense precautions during this time.
- Joint Letter from NYSDOH and NYSED Regarding Immunizations – This letter from Commissioners Rosa and Bassett reiterate school district responsibilities relating to student immunizations.
- Assemblyman Benedetto has announced a hearing on December 14, 2022 on the topic of learning loss. This is an important issue for SAANYS members and Dr. Tony Cardamone will provide oral testimony on behalf of building administrators across the state.
- On December 14, 2022 at 4:00 pm, SED will hold a webinar on its PLAN Pilot. The Performance Based Learning and Assessment Network was established by SED to explore the role and efficacy of performance-based assessments in New York.
December 2, 2022
- The New York State report cards for school districts are an important tool for parents and families for understanding how students perform on state assessments. The 2021-22 NY State Report Card Group 1 release is publicly available on the Public Data Site.
- NYSED has revised the guidelines for mixed competition in athletics to ensure equitable access to athletics for students of all genders.
November 18, 2022
- Memo from the Commissioner on Native American Mascot Ruling – As many of you have read in the news, the commissioner of education ruled that all Native American mascots, team names, logs, etc., must come into immediate compliance. NYSED will be promulgating regulations that provide additional information.
November 17, 2022
- Most Up-to-Date FAQ – SAANYS met with the Health Education Constituents group to discuss the Health Care Worker Bonus Program. The most updated information is highlighted in yellow.
- State commissioners were told this week to not exceed FY 2023 funding levels. The state’s budget plan anticipates a $148 million deficit next fiscal year with a possible increase to $3.5 billion for the 2025-26 fiscal year.
November 16, 2022
- Revision to School Building Leader Certification – SAANYS has been working with NYSED over the past few months to provide relief in areas related to initial or professional certification.
- Flexibility for Lab Requirements for Science Regents Exams – This item proposes to allow students to meet lab requirements through the use of hands-on and simulated experience.
- Revised Staffing Requirements for UPK – This item proposes that all staff in agencies collaborating with school districts for UPK programs have a bachelor’s degree in early education or a teaching license or certificate for services in childhood grades.
- Regulations Needed Due to Passage of Alyssa’s Law – School districts must consider the use of panic alarm systems as part of their review of school safety plans.
- Graduation Measures and Requirements – As part of its continuing work on graduation requirements in NYS, the Board heard a report from the CCNETWORK Region 2. The link above provides an overview of the presentation, while the report itself can be found here: Graduation Requirements and Measures.
- 2023-24 Conceptual Budget Proposal and 2023-24 Regents Budget and Legislative Initiatives
- Revised Social Emotional Learning and Equity Benchmarks – NYSED has completed a process for revising the SEL Benchmarks to strengthen adult practice, refocus self-awareness skills, and build a sense of agency.
November 7, 2022
- Sufficient Time to Vote – In 2020, the New York Election Law was revised to ensure that employees had sufficient time for voting.
- Clarification of Guidance Counselor Eligibility – NYSDOH has clarified whether guidance counselors are eligible for a bonus under the Health Care Worker Bonus Program.
November 4, 2022
- Recorded Webinar Related to Reporting Requirements – NYSDOH just released this webinar to further explain COVID-19 reporting requirements.
- On November 2, 2022, the GRC met with representatives form the offices of Governor Hochul and Commissioner Rosa. The items discussed at each meeting included mental health, staffing shortages, and school safety.
November 1, 2022
- Additions to FAQ for the Education Component of the HWB Program – NYSDOH has added information to the FAQ released several weeks ago pertaining to the interchangeability of the words patient and student and calculating employee hours for the summer months.
October 23, 2022
Government Relations Update, presented by Dr. Cynthia Gallagher, SAANYS Director of Government Relations
October 17, 2022
- NYS Health Care Worker Bonus (HWB) Program FAQ. This link provides FAQs on components of the HWBP. The education component is the fourth section and is titled, “Education Sector Employees.”
October 6, 2022
Overview of the Board of Regents monthly meeting
- Revised NYS Accountability System – Last week, NYSED received word from the USDE that the waiver to restart the accountability system using a one year approach that relies on 2021-22 data, was approved.
- Revised Standing Committee for Appeals from Regent Exams – To provide some relief or students who were adversely impacted by the pandemic, the appeals process to graduate with a lower score on a Regents Exam was expanded during this past school year.
- Proposed Regulations for Homebound Instruction – Proposed regulations to clarify/modify procedures to provide homebound instruction to students were presented.
- Revision to definition of prospective school employee for purpose of finger printing – The regulations are revised to clarify that any prospective school employee includes individuals who will be expected to provide services which involve any form of direct communication or interaction with students (interaction via digital or audio-based technology).
- New Flexibilities for Student Teaching – Program changes would apply to candidates who enroll in a program in the Fall 2024 semester and later.
September 13, 2022
Overview of the Board of Regents monthly meeting
- Regulations on Substantial Equivalency – SED has been working to develop regulations on this topic in 2019 to ensure that students who attend non-public schools receive instruction that is substantially equivalent to that provided in public schools, as per Section 3204 of Education Law.
- Proposed Amendment to Staff Qualifications for Universal Pre-kindergarten Programs – Due to changes is state law, SED needed to revise regulations accordingly.
- Lab Requirements for Science Regents Exam – SED has revised lab requirements to allow the 1,200 minutes of laboratory experience to be provided through blended or virtual learning.
- Length of School Day for Approved School-age and Preschool Programs – Approved programs providing instruction to students with disabilities may remain in session by providing remote instruction on a day that is deemed an emergency situation.
- Remote Instruction in Emergency Conditions – Districts that would previously close school during an emergency condition may provide instruction remotely.
- Restarting the NYS Accountability System – Due to the pandemic, SED took actions to respond to the needs of students, educators, and families that in turn impacted the accountability system (cancelling state exams, attendance challenges, and abbreviated instruction).
- Graduation Measures Commission – This presentation provided information on the process leading up to the establishment of the Graduation Measures Blue Ribbon Commission. SAANYS is pleased to announce that Dr. Joyce Carr, Supervisor of Special Education and Support Services from the Elmira City School District was selected to be a member of this Commission.
September 9, 2022
- Updated Frequently Asked Questions – NYSDOH released an updated Frequently Asked Questions document based on the CDC’s most recent Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools.
- Proposed Regulations on Substantial Equivalency – In advance of the September 12-13, 2022 Board of Regents meeting, NYSED released the proposed regulations on equivalency of instruction in non-public schools.
September 1, 2022
- Resources for Commercial Driver Resources – The NYS Department of Motor Vehicles has developed the above resource and hopes that it will be helpful to school districts.
- Welcome Back to School – The New York State Education Department and Governor’s Office are undertaking a joint campaign to welcome back students and the school communities.
August 29, 2022
- Health Care Worker Bonus Program Implementation FINAL 08-26-22.pdf– SED disseminated information on health care worker bonuses.
- The bonuses were authorized as part of the state budget and allowed for a bonus up to $3,000 for eligible workers. The titles for eligible workers may be found at:Eligible Worker Titles
August 23, 2022
- Joint Letter to the Field from Commissioners Rosa and Bassett – The Commissioner of Education, Betty Rosa and Commissioner of Health, Mary Bassett have sent this letter to the field indicating a change in guidance regarding COVID-19.
- 2022-23 Frequently Asked Questions Related to COVID-19 – NYSDOH also released a Q&A to support information for K-12 schools and early care and education programs.
- Q&A for Parents and Caregivers – A Q&A similar to the one above is provided for parents and caregivers.
August 17, 2022
- Executive Order 11.9 – On August 13, 2022, Governor Hochul signed a new executive order that extends the state’s disaster emergency status until 9/12/22.
- Increased Use of Red Flag Law– In July, Governor Hochul signed a new law that expanded the list of persons who can file extreme risk protection orders.
- Memo on Providing Over-Age Students the Opportunity to Return to School– The NYS Education Department issued this memo to encourage school districts to allow students who will age out of school the opportunity to attend instruction during the 2022-23 school year.
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching – NYSED announced that the application for the 2022-23 awards are now available.
- NASSP’s Survey of America’s School Leaders and High School Students – This NASSP Survey was conducted online from June 5 through June 23, 2022.
August 12, 2022
- Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning – The CDC issued new guidance to support safe in-person learning and to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
- COVID-19 Community Levels– Some of the information harkens back to the use of levels of community spread. When levels are high, schools should consider adding layered prevention strategies to keep schools open.
- Strategies for Prevention of Spread – A considerable portion of the new guidance focuses on everyday strategies for the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
- Masking– Masking is not required, but suggested, for persons exhibiting symptoms while at school.
- Screening – CDC no longer recommends routine screening in K-12, but suggests that such testing may be warranted when community levels of infection increase or at key times of the year (returning from breaks, concerts, tournaments).
- Management of Cases and Exposures – If students or staff develop symptoms while at school, such individuals should be asked to wear a mask.
August 9, 2022
- New York State Health Care and Mental Hygiene Worker Bonus (HWB) Program – Guidance was issued on August 3, 2022. It should be noted that guidance for the education component of the bonus program will be issued in October.
July 25, 2022
- Funding Opportunity – Teaching in Remote/Hybrid Learning Environments – This funding was just announced by NYSED and is intended to support the development and delivery of remote/hybrid professional learning courses to educators in NY.
July 21, 2022
- Fall Action Plan – The governor has announced a Fall Action Plan to prepare for a new COVID-19 season.
July 5, 2022
- COVID Report Card – daily reporting is not required for the COVID-19 Report Card (districts may continue to report if they so choose).
- Requirements under 10 NYCRR 2.62 regarding COVID-19 testing have expired. Schools are no longer required to conduct weekly testing of unvaccinated teachers or unvaccinated students.
- Guidance and Resources – NYSDOH continues to stress that testing is a recommended prevention strategy and encourages districts to offer access to screening and diagnostic testing for staff and students.
June 28, 2022
- Student Research Awards – This program is intended to support student exploration of historical records in New York’s repositories
- The Consequences of Remote and Hybrid Instruction During the Pandemic – A new study by Goldhaber, Kane, McEachin, Morton, Patterson, and Staiger (May 2022), examined the disparities between incidence and impact of remote/ hybrid instruction during the pandemic.
June 24, 2022
- S.7132-b/A.10018 – Governor Hochul signed into law, S.7132-b/A.10018, known as Alyssa’s Law. This law requires school districts to consider the use of panic alarm systems as part of their safety plans.
June 22, 2022
- Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma – This memo to the field explains an additional graduation option for students.
- FAQ Related to the Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma – This document clarifies questions regarding the above field memo.
- Form to be Submitted to SED for Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma– This form needs to be submitted by the school district to SED, for students who have been approved for a special determination.
June 17, 2022
• SED Computer Based Testing Memo
June 14, 2022
Board of Regents P12 Subcommittee Items:
- Computer Science as a Career and Technical Education Subject
- US History and Government for June and August 2022, and January 2023 Administration
- Requirements for Issuing a Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma
- Math Regent exams taken by grade 6 and Science Regent exam taken by students in grade 7
- Issuing Diplomas to Students in Confinement
Higher Education Items:
- Extension of Timeline to Align PSELs
- All Grades Literacy Certificate
- Continued Eligibility for Computer Science SOCE
June 7, 2022
- S.9113-a/A.10502 – The Red Flag Law is expanded to allow multiple categories of mental health practitioners, who have examined an individual within six months, to make a petition to the courts.
- S.9458/A.10503 – Bans the sale of semiautomatic rifles to anyone under the age of 21 by requiring a license.
- S.9407-b/A.10497 – Prohibits the sale of body vests for anyone not working in an eligible profession.
- S.4116-a/A.7926-a – Requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services to examine the technology of micro-stamping for pistols, and if the technology is viable, to require semi-automatic pistols to be micro-stamped-enabled in New York.
- S.9456/A.10504 – Expands the definition of a firearm to include any weapon not defined in the Penal Law that is designed to be converted to expel a projectile through the use of an explosive.
- S.89-b/A.6716-a – Would also create a crime of making a threat of mass harm.
- S.4511-a/A.7865 – Requires social media to provide clear polices on how they respond to incidents of “hateful conduct” on their platforms.
June 3, 2022
- 10 NYCRR 2.62 – Information indicating that 10 NYCRR 2.62 has been extended through 6/30/22.
- Revised and Updated Isolation and Quarantine Guidance – This new guidance replaces the former guidance of March 1, 2022.
- Revised Isolation and Quarantine Tables – This revised chart replaces the March 1, 2022 chart.
May 31, 2022
- Frequently Asked Questions on Cancellation of Regents Examination in United States History and Government (Framework)
May 24, 2022
- U.S. History and Government Regents exam canceled.
- Elementary- and Intermediate-level Science Tests
- SAANYS Government Relations Committee Meeting with Commissioner Rosa – topics included end-of-year concerns, student mental health, state assessments, and attendance.
May 16, 2022
- Executive Order 19– Requires all NYS Police to be trained and instructed on how to file an application for an extreme risk protection order in keeping with the Red Flag Law.
- School Districts Approved Smart Schools Plans – These plans include high-tech security tools, entry control and video systems, and emergency classroom notification systems.
- Refresher on the Red Flag Law