SAANYS Supports Assembly Bill 8108

Assembly Bill 8108 amends education law by allowing previously tenured principals, administrators, supervisors, or other members of supervising staff of school districts, to be provided a shortened probationary period upon appointment by the board of education. Such administrators must have been appointed on or after July 1, 2015 and must not have been dismissed as a result of a 3020-a formal disciplinary hearing. The bill would be effective immediately.

  • SAANYS was in the forefront of supporting Senate Bill S6090 that would reduce the probationary period from four to three years upon appointment by a board of education if the principal had been granted tenure previously.
  • SAANYS worked to ensure the same bill would be picked up in the assembly.
  • On May 30, Assembly Bill 8180 was picked up by Assemblyman Abbate.
  • SAANYS immediately disseminated a memorandum of support to all assembly members.
  • SAANYS will continue its advocacy to have this brought to the floor of the legislature for vote prior to this session ending.

Read the full memorandum of support here.