SED Presents Vision to Transform Graduation Requirements

NYSED to Provide Multiple, Rigorous Pathways to a NYS High School Diploma to Prepare All Students for Success in 21st Century Life, College, Careers, Service, and Citizenry

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) today presented its vision to implement the recommendations of the NYS Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures that are designed to bring greater equity to the State’s education system, Commissioner Betty A. Rosa announced. The Commission’s recommendations are intended to ensure that all New York State public school students receive the educational opportunities and supports they will need to succeed in school and beyond. …

… In a continuing effort to transform New York’s education system guided by stakeholder input and feedback, NYSED will conduct a series of Blue Ribbon Commission “Ambassador Forums” between July and October 2024. These forums will provide an opportunity for the public to share their thoughts about the four proposed transformations.

In November 2024, the Department’s implementation plan will be presented to the Board of Regents with projected timelines, affected regulations, and other considerations. The Board must approve any changes to the State’s graduation requirements; until such time, the existing graduation requirements remain in effect for all public school students in New York.

Read the detailed SED statement here.