WNY and CNY Regional Meetings with SED Staff: ESSA Financial Transparency Requirement
SAANYS has been notified by NYSED that they will be conducting meetings throughout the state, gathering input from stakeholders on the ESSA requirement that all per-pupil expenditures of federal, state, and local funds be disaggregated by source of funds and reported annually. For the 2018-19 school year, reports will be on actual expenditures during that year and will be due by December 2019.
NYSED is seeking input on the following questions:
- How do districts currently account for expenditures among their schools?
- What expenditures are not easily identifiable at a building level?
- What expenditures are not easily identifiable as coming from a federal or state/local funding source?
- What type of report presentation and contextual information would be useful to district personnel, parents and community leaders for inclusion in a report?
The Central New York letter of invitation from SED can be downloaded here.
The Western New York letter of invitation from SED can be downloaded here.