SAANYS Delivers Testimony at Joint Legislative Public Hearing

My name is Cynthia Gallagher, and I am the director of government relations for the School Administrators Association of New York State (SAANYS). SAANYS represents over 14,000 active and 8,000 retired building administrators and program directors from the Big 5 cities and the majority of districts across New York State.
We at SAANYS appreciate the ongoing support for building administrators and their schools. Last year’s budget process was particularly challenging and highlighted the need for a critical examination of how schools are funded. The resulting review of foundation aid, undertaken by the Rockefeller Institute, provided a vital opportunity for stakeholders to identify key priorities and address the shifting needs of students and school communities statewide.
SAANYS actively participated in this process by presenting testimony and attending hearings throughout the state. We commend the Rockefeller Institute for their comprehensive report, which underscores the evolving needs of schools and highlights the importance of updated and equitable funding systems. Click here to read full testimony.