New Law Related to Substance Abuse Supports in Schools

A. 7470/S.8318 was signed into law on November 5, 2018. This bill will require the superintendent of each school district to designate an employee responsible for providing information to students, parents, and staff on the prevention of substance use. Prior to this provision taking effect, the commissioner of education, in consultation with the commissioner of the Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, must adopt regulations to implement this new requirement. These agencies have 120 days from November 5 to develop such regulations.

SAANYS will provide more specific information as the draft regulations are submitted for public comment. In addition, By December 31 the governor will be taking action to veto or sign bills that have made their way to his desk. The SAANYS’ Government Relations Department will be tracking on a daily basis the movement of legislation as this deadline approaches.