SAANYS Region 5 Meeting

March 11, 2025 - 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Mount Saint Mary’s College

Dominican Center Building Room 218

$10 registration fee for dinner and refreshments

Featuring an Interactive Presentation by Matt Davis:

Rethinking Student Discipline: Effective Alternatives to Suspension

Matt is currently the Director of Student Growth & Innovation at Shenendehowa Central Schools in Saratoga County. In his role, Matt oversees school counselors, SEL, college-career-business partnerships, summer programs, and various federal grants. Prior to this role, Matt served as the Principal of Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES Pathways in Technology Early College High School in Johnstown, as well as AP and SS teacher at Northampton County High School in North Carolina.

Matt’s passion for Restorative Practices is rooted in his belief that traditional disciplinary practices perpetuate educational inequities and contribute to larger societal problems, such as the “School to Prison Pipeline.” Matt believes that Restorative Practices is a mindset that can be adopted in any school to prevent and repair harm and reintegrate students into the school community when they violate expectations. Matt sees the long-term goals of Restorative Practices as improved school culture, reduced recidivism, and improved academic outcomes for all students.


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