Turn to SAANYS for Your Summer PD!
Let SAANYS build the kind of learning tailored to the needs of your leadership team and district. Here is just a sample of the kinds of topics we can feature in workshops, facilitated conversations, or administrative retreats that fit your needs and time frame.
- Inter-Rater Reliability Practice
- Observation Practice that Reflects Where We are Now
- Building Capacity: Leadership Through the Lens of Michael Fullan
- Three Leadership Actions that Build True Collaboration
- Rethinking Traditional Approaches to Grading and Homework
- *Working with Difficult and Resistant Staff
- What are Learning Targets and Why are They So Vital?
- And many more…
Download the flier for more information.
Contact Karen Bronson today at (518) 782-0600 kbronson@saanys.org to learn more.