Chancellor Responds to Letter from Governor’s Office

On December 18, Jim Malatras, the governor’s director of state operations, sent a letter to Chancellor Merryl Tisch and then Commissioner John King. The letter was full of questions (and not so subtle suggestions) for further educational “reforms.” The letter concluded with a request for response by December 31 for consideration in the State of the State message. On December 31, Chancellor Merryl Tisch sent her response to  Jim Malatras, with a full set of recommendations, including further changes to the evaluation law. Read both letters here. The tone and details of the letters indicate a challenging upcoming legislative session for education. SAANYS is preparing, as always, to steadfastly represent its members during this contentious time. Stay tuned.

Letter from governor’s office to the chancellor and commissioner.

Letter of response from Chancellor Merryl Tisch.