Workshops – Sunday, October 23
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Education Programs, Services, and Planning
Jim Viola, SAANYS Director of Government Relations | NIRVANA/WAPANAK
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Workshops – Monday, October 24
Session 1: 9:30 am – 10:45 am
Assets Get Active: Utilizing the Forty Developmental Assets Within a High School Curriculum
Susan Solar and Debbie Tarantino, Clarkstown | DOLLAR EAST
Bringing the Future to a Small Rural School Through STEAM and Maker Faire
Mariah Kramer, Tony Fountain, Wellsville | TRIUNA B
Disrupting Education Through Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH)
Mike Dardaris, HFM BOCES | ABENIA B
Organizing Time, Space, and Technology to Support 21st Century Learning
Robert Rhodes, Jim Skoog, Chappaqua | EVELLEY
Strengthening Middle School Education Through the STW Continuous Improvement Process
Bill Aube, Michael Laster, Guilderland; Brian Sherman, Dr. David Payton, NYSED/NYSMSA
Learn about the only research based, New York State focused school improvement program that is specifically developed for the middle grades.
Thriving Through Efficient Data Management
Kathleen Affigne, Millbrook; Cindy Gallagher, Bill Bouchard, Educational Vistas, Inc. | TRIUNA A
Transitioning to Standards-based Grading
Michelle Cardwell, Jessica Turner, Wappingers | DOLLAR WEST
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Session 2: 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
Implementing Consistent Grading Practices at the Secondary Level
Shannon Whitcomb, Alexander | DOLLAR EAST
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The Millennials are Taking Over! How Leaders Can Leverage Culture with a New Work Force
Larry Dake, Union Endicott | EVELLEY
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Striving to Thrive Using Instructional Rounds
Dr. Linda Rae Markert, SUNY Oswego; Carol Burch, Justin Enright, Mary Hesler, Hannibal HS
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Teacher Engagement: A Model that Works
Linda Mancz, Nassau BOCES | DOLLAR WEST
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Transforming from Good to Great Through Effective Instruction
Claudia Petersen, Janie Feinberg, JP Associates |TRIUNA A
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Transforming Your Learning Environment So Students and Teachers Can Thrive
Jim Conway and colleagues, Lake George | ABENIA A
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AXA Retirement Workshop
Greg Ronneburger, AXA | TRIUNA B
In this seminar, various strategies that can help you attain your financial goals and retire comfortable will be explored. The true costs of retirement, factors reshaping retirement, income needs, and strategies to build retirement income and make it last will be discussed.
College and Career Readiness
Ben Carpenter, author of The Bigs | DIAMOND ISLAND
College and Career Readiness is a “hot button” in the world of education. Hear from Ben Carpenter about “The Bigs”—real life tips you can share with your students to help them connect their educations and achieve their hopes and dreams. Ben is the author of the bestselling career book for students, The Bigs. He has also developed an innovative career exploration program that has been adopted by highly respected high schools and includes a road map that students of all ages and abilities can benefit from. In this session, Ben will demonstrate how high schools can teach their students how to choose, get, and do a great job, all while staying out of trouble and living a happy life!