What Can We Do For You?
Professional learning means many things in today’s complex and changing environment. As a school leader, your demanding work requires that you take care of yourself and others while honing the skills you need to lead.
Navigating relationships, dealing with the challenges in COVID’s aftermath, and focusing on building school communities that are safe, equitable, and student-centered are all expectations that you face every day. Sometimes, you need more “how-to,” and other times, you might just need to connect with colleagues or even hear some inspiring stories that reconnect you with your “why.”
SAANYS is committed to offering professional learning that is focused on your ever-changing needs and personalized to meet the realities you face each day.

Statewide Offerings
As a SAANYS Member …
You have access to all of our professional learning options and many of them are free or at a nominal charge. Here are some examples of the kinds of statewide professional learning SAANYS offers:
- SAANYS Connect Webinars – timely, frequent panels on important topics as they emerge. SAANYS members join other guests to discuss and share (member and nonmember pricing, virtual). View past sessions.
- SAANYS Spotlight Webinars – a more in-depth look at a topic of interest featuring one guest presenter (member and nonmember pricing, virtual). View past sessions.
- Regional PD Events – created at the request of your regional representatives specifically to reflect your needs. Single session or multiple sessions on a topic of your choice. May include legal updates, negotiation workshops, or legislative updates presented by SAANYS attorneys and staff (free or minimal charge to members, virtual or in person).
- Summer Series (virtual) – skill-building events focused on high interest topics, facilitated by a leading ASCD author (member, non-member, and team pricing, virtual).
- Cohort Series (virtual) – join a cohort of colleagues and meet each month over a school year to learn and work together and receive ongoing support. SAANYS’ DEI cohort and Newer Leaders cohort are two recent examples (member, non-member, and team pricing, virtual).
- Mentoring and Coaching – individual or group mentor coaching options (virtual or in-person). Learn more.
- ED Leaders Network (ELN) – online professional learning platform.
- Mastermind Groups – join an online community of school leaders. More information.
SAANYS Comes to You
Member to Member …
Here is a sampling of the types of topics SAANYS can offer to regions or districts. Many of these are presented by SAANYS member practitioners or SAANYS legal or government relations staff.
- Legal updates and negotiations workshops
- Situational simulations for school leaders
- Legislative updates
- Culturally responsive leadership
- Restorative circles and practices
- Student and adult mental health
- Leadership stories to inspire and learn from
- Student voice
- Artificial intelligence
- Promoting change
- Facilitating difficult conversations
- Preventing teen suicide
- The shift to reading science
- Rethinking MTSS
- Culture, climate, and student engagement
- Reimagining ISS and OSS
- Improve your faculty meetings
Contact Karen Bronson, SAANYS director of professional learning, for more information about any professional learning programs or events at kbronson@saanys.org.
SAANYS Annual Conference
An annual conference and trade show held each fall is SAANYS’ marquee event. Take a look at the highlights from the 2024 conference in Lake Placid and plan to join us next fall at the Sagamore in Lake George!
Regional Events
SAANYS is represented by 12 regions around the state and each of these regions often offers local programming and networking opportunities. To find out what’s happening in your region, visit the Regions page here. For regional leaders seeking to plan a regional event for their members, download this useful planning guide.