SAANYS Gives Testimony at Assembly Hearing on Receivership

“Just as Struggling Schools and Persistently Struggling Schools are “high need,” so too are the communities in which they are located.”
Overall SAANYS Position and Recommendations for Struggling and Persistently Struggling Schools Like all of you, we recognize that Struggling and Persistently Struggling Schools need different types, intensities and durations of support to improve. Takeovers, threats and punishments with the expectation of results within unreasonable timeframes will not be helpful. For this reason, SAANYS recommends a rewrite of Section 211-f of Education Law, and the concomitant regulations in Section 100.19. Instead, a four-part strategy is recommended:
- Provide the school districts in which such schools are located with their full, if not enhanced allocations under the Foundation Aid Formula.
- Prioritize and support such schools for the establishment of community schools.
- Prioritize and support the school districts within which these schools are located for the establishment of full-day prekindergarten programs.
- Appoint an education expert who has been mutually vetted and selected by the State Education Department and the school district to work with school leadership on a multi-year basis to establish systems and targeted initiatives.Read full testimony here.