New Year Message from Executive Director Jennifer Carlson

The start of a new year is a global event marked by celebrations, resolutions, and the hope for a fresh start. While this time holds significance for many, I believe it holds special significance for school administrators. For those of you in the field, the new year is not just about personal growth or setting goals – it’s a reminder of the endless opportunities to learn and teach. It is a time when we reflect upon our experiences and what we have learned from them. We celebrate our successes and perhaps fine-tune them to make them a continuing part of our lives. In a way, the New Year is the unofficial holiday for administrators, as it marks a time of reflection, rejuvenation, and renewal in the pursuit of knowledge.
As you spend your year shaping young minds, preparing lessons, and fostering the growth of others, also use this time to engage in your own learning. While many people associate the New Year with self-improvement and resolutions, for school administrators, it is a unique occasion for personal and professional development. SAANYS is here to help you with these goals with outstanding professional learning options and other benefits.
Just as you all are taking an introspective moment to carry you through the remainder of the school year, we here at SAANYS are doing the same. As I start my tenure as the new executive director, I have spent a significant amount of time reflecting upon my fourteen years here and what I have learned from all of you. It is with great pride that I am taking over an organization with such amazing dedicated and talented staff and volunteer members who consistently go above and beyond to make sure that school administrators receive the support and, more importantly, respect that they deserve. School administrators have a profound influence on the future, shaping the values, skills, and knowledge of the next generation. Your work is never truly done; it is a constant process of adaptation and improvement. This selfless commitment to learning and evolving is what drives SAANYS to continue to look towards ways to supplement your mission.
This new year will bring a continued and renewed focus on ways to increase services and value to our members. Some of these will not necessarily be apparent to the casual observer, such as the switch to a new internal membership software that will automate many processes. Other changes, however, are intentionally designed to draw attention to your hard work and dedication, as we will be increasing our advocacy and visibility through social media and other platforms. We commit to making these changes without decreasing the quality of the services and responsiveness that we take great pride in providing.
While we strive to build upon our services in the new year, I ask that you all take a moment to reflect upon how we can best serve you. SAANYS’ greatest strength is the community of fellow administrators who take time out of their already hectic lives to become involved with SAANYS at the regional level. It is there that we get the greatest feedback from the membership on what professional learning opportunities are needed and how SAANYS can best assist you in the field. Involvement at the regional level is also where many of you network and find solace with like-minded professionals who work in the same geographic sphere and can share new techniques, challenges, and successes. This sense of camaraderie helps foster collaboration and creates a shared sense of purpose, which is carried throughout the state.
I wish you all a happy new year and look forward to a year of learning and continuing to strive to improve. Know that SAANYS will be on your side as you continue to nurture our future.