For Retirees
Latest Edition of e-Connect Retiree Newsletter
News for Retirees
August Newsletter Highlights
Reflections from a retired member:
Hello, my name is Tom Averill of Region 5. I live in Saugerties, NY at the base of the beautiful Catskill Mountains. I retired as a building principal in 2020 after 34 years of service. Since retirement, I have been back in service working in several interim positions. This has been economically beneficial for my family and has allowed me to help a few schools that were struggling to find qualified administrators. I have been able to balance this work with a great deal of travel. Some of the locations include ski trips to Lake Tahoe and Colorado, a cruise in Hawaii, and time in Cape Cod and Vermont visiting my grandchildren. My wife and I have also visited the Chicago area several times over the past two years to see our son while he worked on his master’s degree from Notre Dame. This summer we traveled to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park in northern Michigan. This was one of our favorite trips as the sites were beautiful, and the hospitality was fantastic. The city of Chicago was also a pleasant surprise and nothing like it is depicted in the news. There is a tremendous amount of pride there and much to see and do. My wife and I hope to continue our travels this year as we head back to Colorado this winter and Chile next summer. Retirement has finally allowed me to take care of myself a bit better as well. I just had the first of two knee replacement surgeries. It is a tough recovery, but I now have the time and look forward to many great years with my new knees.
June 2024 Newsletter Highlights
Retirement, what does that look like?
For each of us a bit different. After a 35-year career of teaching and administration in three districts I retired in 2021 from Chenango Forks CSD. I always said it was my first retirement. The following is my “story.” Click here to read the full article.
April 2024 Newsletter Highlights
Salary Cap Waiver Included in Final State Budget
Part HH of Chapter 56 of the laws of 2020 has been extended one more year until June 30, 2025. This would allow retired educators to return to work within a school district or BOCES without it impacting their retirement benefits. The salary cap waiver remains at $35,000. This would allow a retiree to collect a salary without suspending and diminishing their pension benefits.
February 2024 Government Relations Update
The 2024 legislative session is off and running and filled with a few surprises that we did not expect. This summary will outline just a few of the issues that affect our members and also address issues specific to our actively retired members.
Three issues that continue to be of high importance for SAANYS’ advocacy efforts that focus on retiree issues include the continuation of the salary cap waiver, increasing the COLA, and revisions to Tier VI. The salary cap waiver that was allowable during the past few years was not included in the governor’s proposed budget. SAANYS is meeting with key legislators to extend the waiver so that retirees wishing to continue to work in schools would be allowed to earn salaries above the current $35,000 cap. SAANYS also continues to support legislation that would increase the COLA, as well as increase the base salary on which pensions are based. We also have been advocating for changes to Tier VI that currently require administrators to work until age 63, up to 40 years of service in order to receive their full benefits and to reduce the percentage of salary that is required to be placed into the pension system. Read the full update.
Retiree Membership

Whether plans include traveling the country, starting a business, or continuing in the field of education, SAANYS has multiple resources to support your dreams. Download the SAANYS Retirement brochure here.
Review these various levels of membership when thinking about retirement and contact the SAANYS Membership Office at 518-782-0600 or with any questions.
Retired Active (Must join directly from a Regular Active Membership.)
- Includes Legal Services (including representation for post-retirement administrative employment).
- Legislative representation.
- Free basic $10,000 life insurance for life (reductions at ages 65 and 70).
- Tier 2 life insurance coverage (if carried prior to retirement).
- Insurance programs at SAANYS group rates (eligibility varies by program).
- NASSP & NAESP memberships at reduced rates.
- All publications.
- Financial and retirement planning.
- Purchasing power and discount programs.
- Regional retirement activities.
- Voucher for membership in New York State Retired Teachers Association.
Retired Affiliate (Must join directly from a Regular Active or Retired Active Membership.)
- All of the above, except legal services.
Retired Associate
- Legislative representation.
- Insurance programs at SAANYS group rates (eligibility varies by program).
- NASSP & NAESP memberships at reduced rates.
- Publications.
- Financial and retirement planning options through Equitable.
- Purchasing power and discount programs.
- Regional retirement activities.
Retiree Scholarship Program

Click here for the 2025 Application and Guidelines
Open to any public high school senior. Applicants must be sponsored by a current SAANYS Active Retiree, Affiliate Retiree, or Associate Retiree member in good standing. For purposes of this scholarship, regular Active SAANYS members listed as a sponsor shall not be considered.
By completing the information required on the application, the student will enable the committee to determine eligibility to receive funds provided specifically to help high school students. Students must have demonstrated good school and community citizenship, are planning to go on to higher education, and otherwise satisfy the criteria by the SAANYS Retiree Scholarship committee.
Students are responsible for seeing that the application is accurately and completely filled out. Be sure to collect all supporting documents before beginning the application. Applicants must sign into their Google account to upload supporting documents (transcript and two letters of reference). The SAANYS Retiree Board reserves the right to not process applications found to be incomplete as of the application deadline.
Contact your Regional Representative for details about the SAANYS Scholarship opportunities in your region.
SAANYS Retiree Scholarship – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Who is eligible to nominate a student for this scholarship?
A. All SAANYS Retiree Members in good standing paying dues at the following 3 membership levels: Retiree Active, Retiree Affiliate, Retiree Associate.
Q. I’m an active SAANYS member. Can I nominate someone?
A. No, however SAANYS allocates scholarship money for each region annually. Contact your Regional Representative for details about the SAANYS Scholarship opportunities in your region. This scholarship requires nomination by a dues-paying retiree active, retiree affiliate, or retiree associate member.
Q. How many students will be selected and what is the value of the scholarship?
A. SAANYS has allocated $2000 for the Retiree Scholarship. The selection committee anticipates selecting 2-4 scholarship recipients from the applicant pool. Therefore, we anticipate awards between $500-$1000 each.
Q. Which students are eligible?
A. A student graduating from a New York State Public High School and enrolling in an accredited College or University (in or out of state).
Q. Does the student have to be enrolling in or majoring in a program related to education or teacher preparation?
A. No.
Q. The application asks for standardized test scores. I took the SAT but not the ACT. Do I have to take the ACT to be considered for this scholarship?
A. No. If you took a college entrance exam (SAT, ACT, other) please list the scores. If you did not take one or more of the exams leave blank or write N/A. The application is reviewed as a comprehensive document. No one area is considered more important.
Q. When will the recipients be notified?
A. We anticipate by early June.
Feel free to email Dr. Frederick Kirsch, Retiree Advisory Board member, at with any questions.
Resources for Retirees
Financial Planning and Related Insurances Offered Through Equitable
Members can receive competitive rates on life, disability, long-term care, and more. In addition, a full array of retirement services is available, including a complimentary financial profile and comprehensive financial planning services.
Visit Equitable to learn more, or use the dedicated SAANYS member line by calling: 1-866-401-3030, option 8.
Abenity Travel Center
A feature of the Abenity Member Discount Program
Save on airfare, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more
SAANYS Personal Legal Plan
Includes a simple will, a power of attorney, a living will, a health care proxy, + more
Retiree Committee
Name: Bob Allen
Title: Committee Member, Syracuse City
Phone: (315) 727-4974
Name: Carol Muscarella
Title: Committee Member, Region 2
Email: | Phone: (515) 965-7839
Name: Tammy Ivan
Title: Committee Member, Region 9
Phone: (607) 760-3896
Name: Frank Sutliff
Title: Committee Member, Region 8
Phone: (315) 717-2698
Name: W. Bruce Gorman
Title: Committee Chair, Region 11
Phone: (585) 244-2387
Name: Harry LeFevre
Title: Committee Member, Region 5
Phone: (845) 429-6504
Name: Karen Urbanski
Title: Committee Member, Region 6
Phone: (518) 437-1533
Name: Bettyjean Callon
Title: Committee Member, Rochester City
Phone: (585) 469-5196
Name: Joe Longobardi
Title: Committee Member, Region 4
Phone: (914) 245-7648
Name: Doug Regan
Title: Committee Vice Chair, Region 12
Phone: (716) 626-0980
Name: Frederick Kirsch
Title: Committee Member, Region 10
Phone: (315) 560-5152
Name: Jose Suarez
Title: Committee Member, Region 1
Phone: (516) 443-6153
Name: TBD
Title: Committee Member, Region 7
Levels of Retiree Membership
is open to retired school administrators and supervisors. Retired Associate members are eligible to receive publications, discounts, website access, and legislative representation.
is open to retired school administrators and supervisors who have maintained continuous regular or retired active membership. Retired Affiliate members are eligible to receive publications, discounts, website access, legislative representation, basic life insurance options, and complementary membership in the New York State Retired Teachers Association (NYSRTA).
is open to retired school administrators and supervisors who maintained continuous regular active membership. Retired Active members are eligible to receive publications, discounts, website access, legislative representation, basic life insurance and options, NYSRTA membership, and legal department services for post-retirement educational employment (including individual contract review and representation on job related matters), and representation on NYS Teachers Retirement System benefit determination issues.
Retiree members may choose to reduce to a lower level of membership at any time, but cannot increase their level of membership to retired active or retired affiliate once a lower level is chosen.